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----成立于1996年,是一家集开发、生产、销售为一体的高科技企业,是电脑彩色显示器的专业制造商。公司拥有员工150人,占地面积为24000平方米,年生产能达220力万台,产品从14″到40″彩显全部自行开发设计,并推出15″、17″ 和20″LCD彩显。公司坚持走高品质路线,按严格的制造工艺进行生产,强调产品质量及售后服务,是瑞士SGS ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证企业。公司坚持“信誉第一 服务至上”的宗旨,致力于显示终端事业的发展。
          About Sanlijingwei Group (China) CO., Ltd.
    ---3L company was founded in 1996. As a professional manufacturer of color monitorsA and Teletext, we gather developing,producing and marketing in our enterprise. Today, 3L has expanded to have 150employees and 24,000 square meters of factory in Feshan. We develop and design color monitors which ranging from 14" to 40" by ourselves, newly presenting 15',17'and 20' LCD-TFT color monitors. By sticking to strict process of producing, we insist on high quality principle by stressing our quality and post-sale service of the products.
    Aiming at "prestige comes first, service in priority", 3L is contributing to the development of monitor industry.
    ---Quality is our first point. For monitor manufacturing, all the raw materials are safety approved by standards of TCO95, CE, FCC, UL, S∧∧,CCC; the quality is mature and stable (RMA rate under 1%).
    --- Our monitors are marketing with brand "3L". We established good relationship with 3L brand agents, setting up RMA centers covering the whole country. Meanwhile OEM services are available and we have established friendly partner-ship with many renowned computer companies on a long-term stand. When we get export right in 2000, we have exported to USA, Europe, Southeast Asia, North Africa and Mid-east, quality welcomed by the customers.
    ---3L company will continue to work hard with all the friends in the world to improve the field of computer color monitors under the principle "professional service, quality guarantee, interest sharing".
Coptright 2010 三立经纬集团(中国)有限公司 电话:010-62102918 备案号苏ICP备09041222号
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